Rules & Regulations For Admission of Session 2024-25


CLASS AGE (as on 31st March 2024)

Jr.KG minimum 3 years

Sr.KG minimum 4 years

Note: Age criteria cannot be relaxed under any circumstances.

2. ADMISSION PROCESS: - Applications for admissions to Class Nursery & Jr.KG are accepted from all. Admissions to other classes will be taken against chance vacancies at the beginning of the school year. No new admissions are normally taken in classes IX, X and XII. Exception may be made in Class IX.

  1. A. Registration:-
    1. a. Parents need to start the admission process by filling out the Registration form online available on the School Website.
    2. b. After submission of Registration Form you will receive an email along with Registration Form.
    3. c. Parents / Guardians must fill the Registration form with the utmost accuracy. No subsequent changes will be permitted.
    4. d. After Registration Fee of Rs.1000/- is paid either online or at school campus, payment receipt will be sent via email.
    5. e. Registration of your ward will only be confirmed if Step (b) and (d) are completed.
    6. f. Registration is valid only for the year and the class for which it is made.
    7. g. Prior Registration is an essential condition for admission.
  1. B.Rejection of Form – Incomplete registration form & the form providing incorrect information will be automatically rejected. Registration Fee will not be refunded under any circumstances.
  2. C.Selection – The Management of the School reserves all rights of admission or rejection and is not bound to give reasons for admission or rejection of any particular candidate.
    1. a. Admission will be granted to the children of school staff members, provided they meet the other essential criteria for school admission.
    2. b.  Priority for admission will be given to applicants with siblings already enrolled in the school.
    3. c. All admissions to class Nursery and Jr.KG will be through Oral Assessment and Personal Interaction. Both the parents along the student must be present at the time of interaction.
    4. d. Prospective students applying for admission to Sr.KG - VIII are required to undergo written tests and personal interaction. The admission test will assess the child's proficiency and knowledge in English, Maths, Hindi, and Science, based on the NCERT syllabus of the previous class corresponding to the one they are seeking admission to (Class Sr.KG - VIII). Following the test, a personal interaction will be conducted, and the presence of both parents along with the student is mandatory.
    5. e. Only the selected candidates will receive an email and SMS regarding their selection and further process.
Note: The school reserves the sole right to admission.
  1. D. Admission: Upon receiving admission approval, it is imperative to promptly submit the Admission fee, First quarter fee, and Annual fee, along with the specified documents listed below, within the allocated time. Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of the admission claim.
  1. 3. Documents required for admission:
    1. 1. Photocopy of D.O.B. Certificate of Student.
    2. 2. Passport size photograph:- 3 Students, 1 each of Father, Mother & Guardian.
    3. 3. Photocopies of Aadhar Card of Student, Father & Mother.
    4. 4. Self Declaration proforma to be signed & submitted by parent/guardian.
    5. 5. Transport Form (if availing School Transport).
    6. 6. Medical History Certificate duly signed and stamped by a qualified Medical Practitioner.
    7. 7. Documents from previous school (Sr.Kg & above)
    8. 8. Report Card of previous class.
    9. 9. E-Punjab Certificate.
    10. 10. Transfer Certificate.
4. In case of single parent, the following documents will have to be furnished:
  • Divorce: Divorce Decree
  • Separated: Legal Separation Document
  • Widow/Widower: Death Certificate of the spouse

    The above legal documents must clearly mention the name of the custodian of the child.

  1. a. In the absence of Public Transport and on request from the Parents, the school makes contractual transport available for the convenience of school children. The school does the necessary co-ordination whereas the actual operation of the transport rests with the transporters, who in most of the cases are the owners. It is essential that the Transport Form is duly completed in all respects and is deposited in the school office before a child is permitted to use the transport.
  2. b. In view of the safety of students the school requests Parents to avail School Transport.
  3. c. The students will be picked from the assigned stoppages. Door to Door facility will not be provided.
  4. d. All concerns / disputes / feedback / suggestions must be brought to the notice of the Principal / Transport In-charge in writing.
  5. e. Parents must avoid taking action themselves with regard to any problem due to the conduct of Driver / Conductor / Children and must report the same to the school immediately over telephone or email or school app or through personal interaction with Principal / Transport In-Charge.
  6. f. The transport fee is revised annually.
  1. 6. FEE RULES
  1. a. Admission fee is non-refundable.
  2. b. The School fee covers twelve calendar months to be paid in Quarterly installments or full in advance. No reduction is made for holidays or broken periods. Students are liable to be charged full fee as long as their names are officially on the rolls. Fee once paid will not be refunded.
  3. c. The fee must be paid on or before the due date, failing which a late fee will be levied. Due dates are from 1st to 15th of the months of April, July, October and January for first, second, third and fourth quarters respectively. Fee defaulters may not be allowed to attend classes if fee is not cleared during the same month.
  4. d. Sibling concession of 50% on the Admission Fee is given to 2nd child. No discount will be given on any other heads.
  5. e. No Transfer Certificate or School Leaving Certificate will be issued until all dues to the school have been paid in full, with a written application from parent or guardian.
  6. f. All fees and other charges are subject to revision by the management from time to time.
  1. a. Notice for withdrawal must be given one month in advance and only under the signature of parents / guardians.
  2. b. Transfer certificate will be issued at the written request of the parents after clearing all dues.
  3. c. In matters of admission, report card, promotions, detentions, fines and penalties, etc. the decision of the Director / Principal will be final and binding on all.
  4. d. If withdrawal notice is given after 31st March; Annual charges of the next session will become payable.
  5. e. If any child is withdrawn in the mid-session, then fee will be charged up to the month the child attends the school.
8. Caution: The school does not accept any donations for admissions. Parents should be aware of third parties collecting money on behalf of the school and making false claims of procuring admission. If the parents enter into any transaction with such parties, they will be doing so at their own risk and the School shall not be responsible for it.

Monday - Friday Saturday
SUMMER: 08:00 am to 02:15 pm 08:00 am to 12:00 pm
WINTER: 08:30 am to 02:30 pm 08:30 am to 12:30 pm 

All second Saturdays will be a holiday for all the classes.

All Saturdays will be a holiday for Kindergarten classes.

  1. a. All communication with the school should be addressed to the Principal.
  2. b. Information from the office (Verbal/Written) should be treated as authentic. Any information/instructions received from sources other than the school should be cross-checked and verified by the school (Personally or telephonically). The school will not be held responsible for any act of omission if a parent/guardian suffers on this account. Any rumours floated by unwanted elements should be verified by the school office.
  3. c. All documents should be submitted at the time of admission and they should be complete in all respects.
  4. d. Parents / Guardians must check the student's bag, school app and student's diary and School app daily as most important information, instructions and invitations etc. from the school are sent through Diary Notes and the school app.
  5. e. The Students / Parents / Guardians are bound by the rules and regulations which may be modified from time to time and all matters of concern are subject to the final decision of the Director / Principal.
  6. f. No child is allowed to move out of the school without written permission from the Principal.
  7. g. Early Departure: It is availed when there is an emergency at home or when a student falls ill in school. Parents / Guardians must produce an Authority Card when they come to collect their child from school.
  8. h. Please send your child to school only if he/she is physically fit and is in a position to continue till the classes are over.
  9. i. In case a child falls ill / meets with an accident in the school premises, he can be helped with immediate first aid only. The parents will be informed and are expected to come and attend immediately. It is important to give the correct contact number in the diary and update it whenever there is a change.
  10. j. Private tuition is not permitted and never provided by our teachers for our school students.
  11. k. Please co-operate with the school authorities and staff in enforcing school rules and discipline, observe that your child studies regularly at home, comes to school regularly and timely, maintains a continuity in his / her school.
  12. l. Student's regularity and punctuality are to be maintained. No leave is accepted without leave application. It is mandatory for the parents to inform about leave / absence of their ward well in advance to the school.
  13. m. Ensure that your ward has all text books, items of stationery, craft materials, right in the beginning of the session.
  14. n. Ensure that your ward comes to the school in the proper uniform with polished shoes, trimmed hair and clean nails.
  15. o. Inform the school in case of a change in address or telephone number in writing.
  16. p. Do not walk into the classroom or meet the teacher in the classroom. Meet the teacher only with a prior appointment through the coordinators at the allotted time.
  17. q. Do not send valuable articles with the students. The school owes no responsibility, if they are lost/damaged.
  18. r. In case the parents have any ‘grievance / suggestions to offer, they are welcome to send the same in writing on school app. (or to meet teachers or Principal in person, timings are mentioned in the school almanac).

Note: Legal Disputes will be settled only in the courts of Rampura Phul.