House System

Classes from I to XII have been divided into 4 different houses, which have been named after individuals who contributed to a larger cause.

Christopher Columbus (1451 – 1506) Blue House

Christopher Columbus was an explorer and trader who crossed Me Atlantic Ocean and reached America on October 12th 1492 under the flag of Castilian Spain. He believed that the earth was a relatively small sphere and argued that a ship could reach the far via a westward course. He is famous for his voyage in 1492, when he “discovered” America while he was looking for a way to sail to Asia.

Gandhi (1869-1948)Green House

Gandhi was a gentle man who had a heart full of compassion for people, animals and nature. He believed in non-violent resolution of conflicts and devoted his life to peace and making the world more just place.

Through his actions, leadership and willpower, he managed to inspire Indian people to join his non-violent protests and together .They freed India from British rule. He possessed limitless physical and moral strength.

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) Red House

Leonardo was known as the ultimate Renaissance man because he was perhaps the most widely talented person ever to have lived. Da Vinci is a favorite with the children studying art & history because of his Renaissance quality-not only was he a consummate painter and sculptor; he was a great inventor, military engineer, scientist, botanist and mathematician.

He grew up to be a great artist and a great scientist. His keen sense of observation is what shaped him as the best painter of all times.

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Yellow House

Einstein is considered by many the greatest astrophysicist. Einsten’s, many visionary scientific contributions include the equivalence of mass and energy (E=mc2), how the maximum speed limit of light affects measurements of time and space (special relativity) and a more accurte theory of gravity based on simple geometric concepts(general relativity).

Albert Einstein was a great man, and he was very immportant to science. We should learn from him that no matter what field you enjoy, you should stick with your desire. We should learn that it is OK to think differently than other people.