From Secretary’s Message

Secretary’s Message

Mrs. Namita Bansal

“Vision without action is a day dream. Action without vision is a nightmare ” Japanese Proverb

The pursuit of excellence is crucial to creativity, knowledge generation and innovation. It is about having a mindset oriented towards excellence. It is also about having the courage to deploy the right resources to the right initiatives.
At MLZS, we provide an exemplary educational experience that nurtures a global perspective developed through carefully structured curriculum.
The reason for this is not far to seek. We strive to create an optimum blend of academics, sports, extra-curricular activities, personality building, life skills, creativity, analytical thinking and more. All along, we inculcate the finest human and social values in each student, teaching him not just right from wrong, but how to stay on the path of virtue and integrity. We teach the importance of compassion, inclusion and generosity. We help him understand his duties and responsibilities as a citizen and a nation-builder.