From Principal’s Message


Mrs. Geeta Pillai

“Education is a process by which character is formed, the strength of mind is increased, and intellect is sharpened, as a result of which one can stand on one’s own feet”.

And as I acknowledge the truth behind the quote, I step into the role of the educational leader of an institution that has a great and noble foundation, an institution with a stable vision and a well-chartered mission At Mount Litera Zee School Rampura, We create an environment which is most conducive to the development of overall personality of the students. Our key focus is to motivate our students to be Self-reliant, Self-sufficient, and Responsible Citizens. We see our students as powerhouses of talent and resources to be nurtured through a proper process of personal accompaniment rather than empty buckets to be filled with a large amount of information. The school curriculum is designed to facilitate the intellectual, affective, moral, and spiritual growth of each student. Transforming individual persons who in turn initiate the processes of transformation to make this world a better place has been one of the main focuses of education imparted at Mount Litera Zee School Rampura.

Joel Barker has rightly mentioned, “Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.” We are convinced that the great vision of our school would have remained a mere dream without the support and cooperation of our collaborators, committed staff, and parents. They have truly been our collaborators, ceaselessly toiling with faith and supporting us in all our endeavors to make our school a ‘center of transformation’. Education is not preparation for life, it is life itself. So let us become positive, active participants in the life of our children and create an environment around them that will be conducive to learning. Let us invest in their present to make their future.